It is from their crown of proteins, observable under the electron microscope that the name coronaviruses (CoV) come from, a vast family of viruses, some of which infect different animals, others humans.  Although they are usually benign, causing colds that heal spontaneously, they sometimes acquire new properties that we could do without.

What's a coronavirus?


Until 2002, coronaviruses were only seen as a problem for immunocompromised people and infants, who could develop pneumonia-like respiratory complications if infected. For others, the worst case was paracetamol and handkerchiefs! And then there was Sars-CoV, a new coronavirus that appeared in China, which not only acquired the superpower to be transmitted from animal to human and then from human to human, but also the power to trigger acute respiratory distress and even death in infected people. In 2012, rebel with Sea-CoV, this time in Saudi Arabia.

A third aggressive coronavirus transmissible to humans emerged in China in mid-December 2019. It is a close cousin of Sars CoV, called Sars CoV2. The disease it causes is called Covid-19. There are still many unknowns about the biology of this virus, and there is no specific treatment for Covid-19 patients. But research is being mobilized to accelerate the production of knowledge, solutions to slow the spread of the current epidemic and, of course, treatments.

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